
Born in Seoul, South Korea. Grew up in the Seattle area.Her mother became her dance teaCher when Addie was 5 years old. Rather, Addie set her dance teacher up with her then-single father, and the pair endEd up becoming married.Growing up, Addie was very active in ballet and soccer.A former L.A. Lakers cheerleader, Addie became a very much in-demand dancer for Madonna, Cher, Pink and other acts, appeaRing front-and-center on some of their music-videos. She’s also been a familiar face on poSTers and advertising for such products as Nike Goddess and Gillette Soft & Dri.She plans to continue pursuing acting and choReography.


性别: 女

出生日期: 1974年

出生地: 韩国,首尔

职业: 演员 / 制片人

更多外文名: Addie Yungmee-SchilLing-George


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